Manual Lymphatic Drainage

What is Manual Lymphatic Drainage?

Manual Lymphatic drainage, or MLD is a gentle hands on therapeutic modality that a specially trained therapist uses to encourage and enhance the natural movement of lymphatic fluid throughout the body. The lymphatic system is instrumental in our body’s ability to heal from injury, surgery, and illness by collecting cellular debris and toxins to be eliminated through the digestive system. Our bodies move lymph fluid naturally with muscle movement, MLD works to increase the speed of this natural flow to more efficiently reduce swelling, bruising, shorten healing time, and maintain optimal overall health.

When is MLD helpful?

While MLD is a wonderful addition to a general wellness regimen to keep you feeling your best, it is most often recommended by surgeons both before and after surgery to shorten recovery time and reduce post operative bruising, swelling, and scarring. It can be beneficial for a wide range of health concerns from skin conditions, sports injury, and autoimmune diseases to chronic headaches and concussion recovery to name just a few. There is also a growing body of research into the role the lymphatic system plays in neurodegenerative diseases and the potential benefits of MLD in the treatment and prevention of MS, Alzheimers and dementia, Parkinson’s, and CTE.

Who can benefit from MLD treatment?

From infants to seniors, MLD is for everyone! Whether MLD has been recommended by your doctor, surgeon, or physical therapist, or you are simply curious about adding something new to your wellness tool kit, we would love to hear from you. Starting with a conversation about your unique health history and goals, we can then work in concert with your other care providers to determine the best course of treatment for your individual needs.

Have more questions about MLD?

We want to hear from you! Because this wonderful therapy can be used for such a wide array of health concerns we always start with a conversation to ensure that you can safely receive the most effective care. Contact us at (720)666-1138 to learn more.